Pogonus chalceus (bronze saltmarsh beetle)

Basic information


Pogonus chalceus is a small (5.5-6.5mm) bronze ground beetle with greenish or bluish metallic reflections. It can be ound on saltmarshes and estuaries, where it is often locally common under seaweed and driftwood on the strandline, ranged from Europe to central Asia.


Sex chromosome system:  NA

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Sex chr Genes

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Data download

# Sex chromosome ( From NCBI:GCA_002278615.1 )

Chromosome X
Data Type Download
Sex chromosome sequence Chromosome_X
Sex chromosome annotation Annotation_X
Sex chromosome protein Protein_X
Sex chromosome CDS CDS_X

# Sex chromosome ncRNA ( From infernal )

Position Download

# Sex chromosome Repeat

Position GFF Tbl
X Repeat Gff Repeat tbl